How to Flirt With Female Classmates

One of the things that will make a male loses his concentration in class is when a particular girl is so pretty in his opinion. Are you the guy that I am talking about here? In this article, you will be learning about classroom flirting or how to flirt with your classmate.

Flirting in a classroom is much easier as conversations can start from every angle. It can be about a subject, gossips about other classmates, teachers and even rants about the school administration. Also, getting close to a girl which is your own classmate would not be seen by others as something lunatic, making both of you free from the awkwardness that comes when two individuals of opposite sex become too close.

How to Flirt with a Classmate - Classroom Flirting Tips #1 Eye Contact

Try to find a chance that allows eye contact with the girl. Perhaps she might not notice about it at first but once both vision meets, be sure to smile to her and maintain the eye contact for at least 3 seconds. This helps to plant a good impression of you in her heart. After a few times, you will find out whether she is really interested in you if she is always trying to have the same eye contact with you or not.

How to Flirt with a Classmate - Classroom Flirting Tips #2 Practice Proper Conversation Techniques

There are a few tips that you have to uphold when trying to flirt with a girl in your classroom. Do remember that the classroom is a public place. A girl will normally be shy when a guy who is not close to her is trying to hook her up into a conversation. Avoid dirty talks as it might embarrass the girl or get the attention of people around you. Also, try to be open and do not let her to have the feeling that you have bad intentions towards her. Basic dating tips such as paying attention to the details when she speaks will play a major role here as well.

How to Flirt with a Classmate - Classroom Flirting Tips #3 Avoid Flirting with Other Girls in School

Once she has a good impression about you, do not spoil the whole build up efforts by start flirting with another girl. A player can be easily discovered within a school or even within a community, especially if the girl is a bit outspoken and has a lot of friends. Try to focus on just one girl. Apart from this, try to make both of you alone instead of joining her girls gang because some girls will get jealous easily. To avoid all the nasty explanation and apologizing part, it is better for you to play things safe.

How to Attract Girls - The 5 Best Ways to Attract Girls

How to attract girls is the one question that is upper most in the minds of all men. Over the years men are trying everything under the Sun to attract and win Venusians. Here are some points which can definitely help you in knowing How to attract girls.
If you know the art of attraction, then it is very easy to win any girl. Chasing girls will not be compulsory for you any more. Instead, they will come to you and that is what is very important in attracting girls. How to attract girls is no more problem. There are different ways, methods and tricks that can help you to get close to any girl.
One of the most important ways to attract girls is doing things that are extraordinary. Being out of ordinary can make wonders for you and girls are extremely fond of such things and qualities. Develop such qualities or skills that are very special and it will attract most of the girls. Skills like music, sports, singing, or any other kind of art can help a lot.
Girls love fame and that is what can get you closer to girls. Merely following others is not going to work out here. You have to be your own. Make your own personality. Then automatically girls will recognize you among the masses. Also making your own personality shows that you are confidant person and can deal with any kind of situation. That is the one quality every girl likes to see in her man.
Very important thing in the process of attracting girls is classy presentation and pretension. Though pseudo-intellectuality can work out sometimes however, it is advisable to be yourself while dealing with girls. Also, fashionable clothing, attractive accessories and elegant composure are very crucial when you are socializing. Opt for suitable dressing style according to the environment. Looks are deceptive but they make the first impression. So maintaining a good look and being smart can help you attract many girls.
Then attitude is one of the most important thing you must posses in dealing with question like how to attract girls. Attitude is way above than all the money, dressing and looks. In fact it is the best tool you have to attract girls and with this, you can keep them fascinated to you endearingly. One must build up the striking attitude so that it reflects your personality. Girls are more attracted to dazzling personality than looks or any other skill. And you can get such blistering personality only by integrating it with superior attitude. Always have a learning approach so that you can observe and learn from people around you.
You can solve the problem of how to attract girls by having good communication skills. Making a quality conversation helps creating a favorable mindset in girl for you. With good communication skills, you can add some space to any girl's heart. And maintaining a good eye contact during entire conversation is also very vital. Eye to eye contact really makes the girl stick to you no mater what. Therefore, it is very necessary to have good conversation and eye to eye contact so that you can make some impression.

3 Deadly Mistakes That Will Ruin Your Relationship For Sure - You Should Not Miss This at Any Cost

A relationship is not something which can be taken for granted, in order to really make a relationship successful constant effort from both the partners is extremely necessary. But often a lot of people make some mistakes which can lead to devastating results in the long term. This is the major reason why you must be aware of these mistakes. Read on to discover what these mistakes are and achieve the desired results fast...

Being insecure all the time- Being insecure normally means that you are not too sure whether your partner will be with you or not. You see insecure people become too possessive which leads to a lot of friction in the relationship. You see a relationship is a scenario where your partner will need some time off by himself/herself and being insecure definitely wouldn't help much in this case.

Being negative all the time- This would never work especially if your partner has a hard time dealing with this. You see we all live our lives expecting the best for ourselves and our loved one's. This simply can not take place if you have a strong negative attitude towards the relationship.

Not accepting your partner the way he/she is- This is another very strong mistake a lot of people out there make. You see the key to a successful relationship is to understand what your partner is like and accepting him/her the way he/she is instead of constantly trying to change them according to your standards.

The 3 Biggest Reasons Why Women Breakup With Men

A man could spend his entire life trying to figure out the mental workings of women, and never make any progress. We all know they can be difficult and confusing. However, if you understand the 3 biggest reasons why women breakup with men, you can make sure that you avoid them and keep your relationship in good repair.

The first biggest reasons why women breakup with men is simple. Most men are not emotional enough. Women need to feel as though they are special and significant. They want to be missed, and they need to feel loved and valued. If you make sure you go out of your way to let her know that you appreciate all that she does for you and your family, you will be a huge step toward keeping her in your life.

Dating Tips
The second reasons why women breakup with men is that most men expect to much. Far to many men go to work, come home, flop down in front of the television and expect the woman to take care of the house, the food, and the kids. Take the time to do some house work, cook for her once in a while, and give her a time out from the children and you will be amazed and how grateful and thankful she is. A relationship and a household is a partnership and far to many men take advantage of their wives and expect her to take care of it all.

The third reason is because most men don't take the time to make her feel special. Most men just expect that she will be there and never leave and take advantage of it. They expect her to give them sex when they expect it without giving anything in return, and they think that flowers and jewelry will be enough to keep her madly in love. News flash guys, this isn't enough. You have to take the time to compliment her and make her feel beautiful. Take the time to make her feel not only wanted, but needed. Let her know through your actions that you are thinking of her and care about her. Don't expect anything, and certainly don't take her for granted.

Love at First Sight - Does it Really Happen????

I met a school friend after many years. But the girl, popularly known as Miss Rude of school days, appeared to be very vivacious and gladsome. When I asked the secret of that broad sunshine smile, the unexpected reply was, "I am in love". With my eyebrows raised, the first word I could utter was "WOW!!" Smiling again, she explained to me the way things happened. After learning that she had met the guy a day before at a friend's party and was now deeply in love with him, I suddenly broke into laughter. I know it might have been thought as strange and awkward on my part, but I could not control my feelings at the moment. They did not even talk to each other and had fallen in love just at the first sight...."How could one fall in love at first sight?" was the very first question that came to my mind.

Many of us often witness people, who confuse love with 'Infatuation' (just crush or attraction at first sight). But they don't realise that there is a very thin line difference between the two. I see no reason to fall in love without even knowing a person. Love is an eternal feeling, a phenomenon that takes place when one gets acquainted with the mind, heart and soul of the other. When the thoughts rising inside one can be read by another and the decision taken by one is understood, appreciated and respected by another. It is not about disputing over the kind of path to be followed, but is walking together on the same path, holding each other's hands.

Now the question is "can all these feelings originate by merely a glimpse or by just exchanging a few words?" The answer is "No" indeed. Love is a process that can take some days, months or even some years to pave its way into the hearts of those involved. It is true, though, a person can feel quite inclined or attracted towards another owing to some physical qualities. But that can be termed as infatuation, crush or sometimes something that could later be transformed into the so called Love. What a youngster today call as 'Love at first sight' might later translate into 'Fight at first sight', if the chosen person is not compatible enough to spend the entire life with. Though by putting in some efforts and a positive attitude, one can really convert this infatuation into "Love of the lifetime"....

The very fact to be kept in mind is that each person comes from a different background and has undergone an unlike upbringing. So familiarizing yourself with the family, social and personal background of the person can help you getting into his/her mind and heart. Besides, if you really like a person, speak your heart out in front of him/her. This would include everything significant in you life, ranging from your school life, hobbies to your 'past relationships' and future plans. Also try to find out the vision and attitude of the person towards 'Life' and 'Love'. Last but not the least, 'Give yourself time' before directly jumping onto the conclusion... Finally he/she will either emerge out to be the perfect one for you, or else there is someone, somewhere, still waiting for your love.

So the next time you check someone out, my tips would surely help you to convert this illusion, called the 'Love at first sight' into a Reality..

Expressing Your Love in a Long Distance Relationship

When you first enter a long distance relationship, the romance is live and kicking. Everything is so new. But what happens after months of being in that relationship, and the flame dies?

Long distance relationships (LDRs) require more effort than short distance relationships. I've come to find in my own experience and in reading the stories of other peoples LDRs, many find it hard to express their feelings across the miles. You can say "I love you" as many times as you want, but how do you really show it?

Those in short distance relationships have it easy. These couples can reaffirm their love for another with a simple hug or kiss. But what about those in LDRs?

We have it hard. What do we have? Words. We interact with our loved ones through phone calls, email, and instant messaging. Words. And not all of us can speak eloquently and capture our lovers' hearts. We do have it hard.

So we find creative and meaningful ways to share our love for one another. These include, but not limited to: homemade gifts, hand-made cards, poems, scrapbooks, letters, drawings, care packages, long distance "virtual" dates, personalized websites, there are lots of possibilities. The more creative, the better.

So when we do show our love, it is with meaning, not just a spoken "I love you." Sometimes it is with such meaning, that it can be greater than a kiss or a hug, those conveniences of short-distance daters.

There is a silver lining after all.

If your long distance partner has gone out of their way to express their love, and has done or said something so sweet your heart melted, please share!

Unbroken Relationships - How to Spice Up Your Relationships

Unbroken Relationships - Firstly, we have to find an understanding of what it means to be involved in one. So the question is, what does it take to not only enjoy but also spice up relationships?

Enjoying unbroken relationships and spicing them up mean different things to different people. However, this kind of adult relationships generally involve two people who respect each other, can communicate, and have equal rights, opportunities and responsibilities. Most of us would also expect our relationship with our partner to include love, intimacy and sexual expression, commitment, compatibility and companionship which all add up to bring the best out of any relationship.

Getting The Best Out Of It

Have you ever wondered why your relationship never blooms? Yes, there are times when you wonder where the magic/spice in your relationship wandered to. Relationships just like plants need to be taken care of and nourished in order to thrive. If they are ignored, and taken for granted, then it's likely that the magic will be lost and the relationship will wither if not die altogether.

Although it's easy for a relationship to get stuck in a rut, there are some simple thing you can do to ensure that your relationship maintains it's momentum. Try some of the following TIPS to keep the romance alive in your relationship:

1. Talk to each other - just because you love each other doesn't mean that you automatically communicate well or can read your partner's mind or that they read yours. Listen attentively to each other and express your needs. Don't wait for your partner to try to guess what is going on with you.

2. Spend memorable time together - whether in times of sorrow or joy, make your relationship a priority and intentionally make time for each other.

3. Work on feeling good about yourself - this will help the way you feel about your relationship.

4. Everyone is different - accept and value differences in others, including your partner.

5. Be flexible - let your relationship grow and adapt with you as you change.

6. Make plans - set goals for your relationship and plan for your future.

7. Be supportive - try not to judge, criticize or blame each other, no one is perfect.

8. Learn from arguments - accept that arguments will happen and try to resolve them with respect.

9. Be sexually considerate - be affectionate and accept that individuals have different sex drives. Remember that sustaining a healthy and happy sex life requires negotiation.

10. Be attentive - demonstrate your commitment to the relationship.

11. Enjoy yourself - have fun and celebrate your life together.

To maintain close enduring relationships, you must be committed to putting these tips to work thereby spicing up your relationships to another level of romance.

4 Ways to Make Your Ex Fall in Love With You ! ! ! !

There are ways to make your ex fall in love without you needing to say a word. You might not have seen your ex in months or years, but you can waltz into their life and recapture their heart again. How do you make your ex fall in love?

If your ex has ever loved you, trust that love is still there, waiting to bloom again. True love never dies; it can only be quietened and hidden. After a break up it's common for us to protect ourselves quickly by putting walls around our heart. Walls are not permanent and time has the power to change things long in the past.

Loved before

Having loved before is already half the journey there. Your ex must have seen great qualities in you to have loved you once. Try to remember what some of these best qualities are and see how they can be used to draw your ex back to you.


Have things changed and are you trying to grow and challenge yourself everyday? If you can show your ex your best qualities and a hint of newness and change, this will peak their interests and want to find out more about you.


We're all fascinated by magic because of the mystery behind it. It's the things we can't explain or know for sure that we constantly want to know about or learn more about. As well as being yourself, present a little mystery and your ex will be crazy thinking about you. The more they think about you, the more they will slowly start to lower their guard around you and consider you as a potential mate.

A twinge of the past

Talking with your ex will be a little awkward at first if you haven't seen each other for a while, but if you can woo them enough into spending some alone time with you, it's time to remind them of the past. Share a tender and pleasant memory of the past together and take them back to that moment. Watch their eyes glaze and a smile come across their face. At this moment, it's only a few more steps before they will fallen be back in love with you.

What could go wrong? It's not always easy getting back into contact with your ex and often they just plain don't want to talk to you. How do you overcome every barrier in order to get through their defenses and into their heart once again? Understand what your ex wants and how to get them to do what you want again

Discover 15 Strong Signs He Or She is in Love With You

Many people get into a relationship with their guard up. If you've been through a tough break up or have been rejected by someone before, then you know how difficult it can be to let yourself fall in love gain. Pushing past a broken heart is something that you must do in order to move on and get your life back.

When entering a new relationship, it's important to know if the other person loves you. Before you put your guard down, you want to know if the other person is true and can be trusted with your love. Well, here are 15 signs to help you determine if he or she is in love with you.

  1. They introduce you to his family and friends.
  2. They want to spend as much time as possible with you.
  3. They include you in their future plans.
  4. They tell you how special you are to their life.
  5. They make an effort to make you happy.
  6. They love being close to you.
  7. They love your faults and habits.
  8. They constantly tell you that they love you.
  9. They take special care to buy you presents they know you'll love.
  10. They let it be known that they want to marry you.
  11. They invite you to special events such as work functions.
  12. They open up to you and talk to you about everything.
  13. They make their feeling known through their love making.
  14. They go over and beyond to please you.
  15. They act as if you are the only person in the world that means a lot to them.

Falling in love is a beautiful thing, especially when you are with the right person. If you have doubts about the person you are with now, review this list to make sure that the majority of the things your love does is on this list. Remember, no one is perfect.

What is Dating?

It is a social engagement between two persons that often has a romantic character. The dictionary describes it so differently than what others might think of it as a chance to get to know a person better. Do different cultures have different perspectives on dating? Yes, it does since it includes teens that are young and immature. Parents tend to worry about them when they go out. But why would parents need to worry when they know where their child has gone? They worry because it always makes it hard for them to not worry. It is in our parent’s nature to worry when we go out. Should parents allow their teen to date? No, if the parent(s) think that the child needs to be more responsible and mature then it's OK for them to say no to he/she.

Every culture has different ways of dating. Even though if a teen is mature enough to date say like 18 years or older, some parents might think that dating is not proper even though they are old enough to date. In my opinion I feel that Dating is OK as long as you don't go out without telling anyone, where you are going for your date or you have responsibilities.

Teens who are immature shouldn't be allowed to date unless they can show that they are responsible for their actions. Immature teens always try to prove that they are mature and they are responsible, but the only thing they forget at that time is that one mistake can ruin their life. Some teens are mature for their age. They understand the consequences of dating. In a dating situation people are more excited and happy about what they are doing, but who knows what is really happening. Dating is both bad and good. It is Bad because you don't know what you are doing bad and end up doing something silly. Or sometimes you might not even know much about your date. In other ways it is Good because in that way you get to know who you want in your future and what kind of a guy/girl you want.

I think it is better to wait until you are old enough to think wisely. Why would you want to wait that long? Because if you wait you will be prepared on what's coming, you can think clearly while making decisions, and be responsible. It is not always the case that you should be 18 or older to date.

Being responsible and mature to date is not the only thing. You have to have respect for yourself and others around you. That is the most important thing that you would have to be careful about.

Especially after observing some teens for a long time I have come to a conclusion that teens with caring and loving family have had no problem in their dating life or neither has the parents been too worried. And the teen with working parents is more likely to start dating at a young age without adults' permission.

How to Get a Girl's Phone Number and Get Her on a Date

Most guy's totally freak out when it comes to asking a girl for her phone number. Most men haven't got a clue how to go about it and even if they do get a girls number they don't know how to turn that number into a date. It can be quite difficult to arrange either a second meeting or a first date from a number. After all women will often give out their numbers and then lose interest quickly, or just change their minds and decide she doesn't want to date you anymore. The moment is lost. That is why in all aspects of your pick up game you need to escalate quickly at all times, move on to the next stage of seduction.

Obviously this is not always possible. Sometimes you get a number close and agree to speak to her soon with a view to a date. So how can you convert that phone number into a meet up?

You need to lead the conversation leading up to asking for her number. What this means is don't just make pleasant small talk with a girl then blurt out that you would like her phone number. You need to ask questions that build a connection with her. Always have your goal in mind. Your going to ask her for her number so how can you steer the conversation in that direction?

Don't try and build a connection with small talk. This can be achieved but is very difficult to do and rarely works. Building a connection must be based around common interests. For example :

You : What do you do in your spare time?
Her : I like to go the cinema (or whatever else??)
You : Cool, have you seen the new 'Sex and the City' film yet? (hot topic at time of writing!)
Her : No, you?
You : No, we should go see it sometime
Her : OK
You : Give me your phone number...

Never ask for a number outright. Always build it into conversation. Ensure sufficient comfort has been built so it flows naturally into your conversation.

A lot of guy's make such a big deal out of going for a number close in their mind's that they feel nervous and that's where they make mistakes. Going for a number such just seem natural. After all, your only asking for a number, your not asking her to sleep with you, yet! :-)

Your best bet is to arrange a date on the spot. Like in the example above you should immediately nail down a time and place if possible so that she can be thinking of you and will be expecting your call. This should minimize no shows.

You will always get girls who flake on dates. They just change their mind, the moment is lost, bad day at the office whatever. Don't lose any sleep over it! Get out there and get more numbers. This happens all the time to a lot of guys.