How to Get a Girl's Phone Number and Get Her on a Date

Most guy's totally freak out when it comes to asking a girl for her phone number. Most men haven't got a clue how to go about it and even if they do get a girls number they don't know how to turn that number into a date. It can be quite difficult to arrange either a second meeting or a first date from a number. After all women will often give out their numbers and then lose interest quickly, or just change their minds and decide she doesn't want to date you anymore. The moment is lost. That is why in all aspects of your pick up game you need to escalate quickly at all times, move on to the next stage of seduction.

Obviously this is not always possible. Sometimes you get a number close and agree to speak to her soon with a view to a date. So how can you convert that phone number into a meet up?

You need to lead the conversation leading up to asking for her number. What this means is don't just make pleasant small talk with a girl then blurt out that you would like her phone number. You need to ask questions that build a connection with her. Always have your goal in mind. Your going to ask her for her number so how can you steer the conversation in that direction?

Don't try and build a connection with small talk. This can be achieved but is very difficult to do and rarely works. Building a connection must be based around common interests. For example :

You : What do you do in your spare time?
Her : I like to go the cinema (or whatever else??)
You : Cool, have you seen the new 'Sex and the City' film yet? (hot topic at time of writing!)
Her : No, you?
You : No, we should go see it sometime
Her : OK
You : Give me your phone number...

Never ask for a number outright. Always build it into conversation. Ensure sufficient comfort has been built so it flows naturally into your conversation.

A lot of guy's make such a big deal out of going for a number close in their mind's that they feel nervous and that's where they make mistakes. Going for a number such just seem natural. After all, your only asking for a number, your not asking her to sleep with you, yet! :-)

Your best bet is to arrange a date on the spot. Like in the example above you should immediately nail down a time and place if possible so that she can be thinking of you and will be expecting your call. This should minimize no shows.

You will always get girls who flake on dates. They just change their mind, the moment is lost, bad day at the office whatever. Don't lose any sleep over it! Get out there and get more numbers. This happens all the time to a lot of guys.

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